Διαθέσιμα Updates για τα MacBook

Η Apple διέθεσε πριν λίγο 3 updates, το καθένα για διαφορετικό MacBook. Τα updates αυτά είναι το MacBook Air SMC update 1.9, MacBook Pro SMC Firmware update 1.8 και Retina MacBook Pro SMC update 1.1 και διορθώνουν γενικά προβλήματα για αυτές τις συσκευές. Μπορείτε να τα κατεβάσετε από το site της Apple ή το Mac App Store. Τα release notes παρακάτω:

MacBook Air SMC update 1.9
This update is recommended for MacBook Air (mid 2012 and mid 2013) models.

This update addresses rare issues where the battery unexpectedly stops functioning, the system does not recognize the battery, or the system hangs when the battery charge reaches less than one percent.

MacBook Pro SMC Firmware update 1.8
This update is recommended for MacBook Pro (mid 2012) models.

This update addresses rare issues where the battery unexpectedly stops functioning or the system hangs when the battery charge reaches less than one percent.

Retina MacBook Pro SMC update 1.1
This update is recommended for 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display (late 2012) models, and 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display (mid 2012) models.

This update addresses rare issues where the battery unexpectedly stops functioning or the system hangs when the battery charge reaches less than one percent.